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Year: 2021

Latter-Day Profiles Interview

I had the privilege of doing an interview with Latter-Day Profiles a few months ago and it is now available for viewing! If you’re interested in learning more about me and my business, this video will give you a great inside scoop. #risetoyourchallenge #latterdayprofiles #businessinterview #motivationalspeakerbusiness Check it out through the link below!

Fight Hate With Love

In honor of it being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I wanted to share one of his incredible quotes: “Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” We still haven’t perfectly implemented all of the things Dr. King pushed for, but we can work towards a better society everyday! Choose today to drive […]

Ease or Accomplishment?

If you want to find your best self & stand out, you’ve got to act! 💪 Doing nothing is easy, that’s why I often do nothing, but “easy” won’t give us a life of fulfillment & joy! Some days are really hard, especially with mental disorders & poor physical health, so even if it’s just […]

The Best Days are Ahead

I recently posted another quote like this, but I had to share this quote too because we all need hope in our lives & something to look forward to.❤ I want you to take a second & picture one of your favorite memories. How does that memory make you feel? ☀️ Now imagine that you’re […]

Alter Your Attitude

Attitude truly is everything! Your thoughts & feelings about a situation control so much, even when you can’t control the situation itself. If you are looking for a New Years resolution or simply wanting to do something small each day to change your life, work on altering your attitude! #attitudeiseverything #action #risetoyourchallenge #motivationalspeakerbusiness #attitude #smallbusinessmotivationalquotes

True Self-Discovery

2020, what a year! 😅 There were so many difficult, heartbreaking, stressful days, but I believe that there was also a lot of growth too! The idea we had to start a company was scary & way outside of our comfort zones, but we have learned so much more than we would’ve if we had […]